Empfehlungsschreiben und Referenzen für spätere Tätigkeiten

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An anderer Stelle, nämlich in der Rubrik Anfangen, gibt es Musterschreiben zur Promotionsfähigkeit bzw. für Stipendienbewerbungen.

Prof. [Vorname Name], Ph.D.


To whom it may concern.

I am writing this letter of recommendation in support of [Vorname Name]'s application for a position as a lecturer at your faculty.

I have known [Vorname Name] for the past 12 months as a researcher in the division of Economics. During that period I worked very closely with her on various research pro-jects. As a result, I have become very familiar with [Vorname Name] as a fine researcher, and - attending her presentations - a highly entertaining teacher. Therefore, I am writing this letter in support of [Vorname], because it is my sincere belief that she is eminently qualified to be a lecturer at your University.

Over the past 12 months [Vorname Name] has demonstrated to me time and again that she is an exceptional communicator and gifted scientist. In my opinion, she is the perfect model for a teacher in a field of interdisciplinary challenges. She is a highly dedicated pro-fessional who knows how to motivate her students and colleagues to strive for excellence. Both in the lecture hall and in person, [Vorname Name] is a dynamic and powerful com-municator who possesses the gift to make complex subjects understandable.

In addition to her scholarship, [Vorname] is an enjoyable person who gets along very well with students and colleagues. She handles herself with great self-confidence, is some-what of a leader in situations calling for organization, and can work well with others. I am sure, she would make a delightful colleague. It gives me great pleasure to recommend [Vorname Name] enthusiastically and without any reservations.


Prof. [Vorname Name], Ph.D.

Und hier gibt es noch eine andere Form derselben Absolventin:

[Ortsname], 00.00.2004

Letter of Reference: Ms. [Vorname Name]

As a business school faculty member and part of the selecting committee for new lecturers myself, I always critique applicants very closely. Though I am not attempting to second-guess your selection criteria, I would like to tell you the method I use for evaluating an applicant. It is with these criteria that I will evaluate [Vorname Name]'s. This should remove the subjectivity of the recommendation letter process.

  • Communication skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Academic performance
  • Team dynamics
  • Vision

Communication Skills

[Vorname Name]'s written communication skills are outstanding. She prepares papers on time and presents complex data in a very concise manner. Her spoken communication skills are just as good. She is able to convince the listener of her point of view. Furthermore she is able to inspire and to create an overall enthusiastic working and discussion climate. When addressing a gathering of laymen, she is able to simplify her expression to ensure that she is unequivocal.

Leadership Skills

[Vorname Name] has worked as a researcher at our faculty, as she has undoubtedly informed you in the other parts of her application. What I find particularly noteworthy is her ability to motivate others. This is probably the best indicator of her leadership potential.

Academic Performance

[Vorname Name] is able to grasp concepts rapidly and elucidate them with ease. She has been preparing her doctoral thesis while working full time a consultant and trainer, which explains why she has not been published widely. Furthermore it should be taken into consideration, that [Vorname Name] has successfully integrated two often rivaling disciplines in her vita.

Team Dynamics

This is very much in line with the leadership skills observation that I made earlier. Group members easily accept [Vorname Name].


Of all the parts of this recommendation letter, I think this one is the most outstanding. [Vorname Name] is clearly a woman with a vision. There have been occasions when she has made startling observations and predictions about the connections between economic phenomena and the social sciences. However, her ability to correlate huge quantities of information and discern the underlying trends is indicative of her vision and her ability to merge two different scientific paths.

I have no doubt that [Vorname Name] is suited for the position of a lecturer at your university.
I would like to whole-heartedly and strongly recommend her.


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